“Para complementar tus experiencia en este destino culinario, Montréal à Forbes_Mexico_y_Latinoamericatable ofrecerá la oportunidad de abrir el apetito mediante tours, donde habrán dos propuestas de paseos a pie, acompañados de un guia foodie (fanático de la comida)”
MTL Blog
What makes them awesome: You get to visit 6 unique locations where you’ll sample a variety of the city’s most delicious and iconic foods, including St-Viateur’s world-famous bagels, artisanal charcuteries and cheeses, locally-produced vegan falafels, authentic homemade gnocchi, award-winning chocolate, and much more!
Montreal TIMES
Call yourself a foodie for the day
“Anne-Marie our lovely tour guide, gave us the history of the Mile-End, she explained how this area still has that village feeling of what it once was. It has New York flair to it, along Fairmount Ouest you can relax sitting on the rainbow colored benches and enjoy an ice cream sorbet at Kem CoBa. »
Global News
It’s to allow people to discover Montreal though one of the most local products you can get here, craft beer,” said Ismael Peladeau, who started the tour a couple of years ago.”
Grand Prix du Tourisme
Ulysses Grand Prize Winner at Tourism Montreal in the category Touristic Services for the Montreal Brewpub Experience Beer Tour.